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Guidance for Personal Care, Healthcare and Beauty industries

The Cyber Resilience Centre for the West Midlands is urging businesses within the health, personal care and beauty industries to be extra vigilant and to take action to help secure their businesses from cyber criminals who are looking for opportunities to strike.


You can help make your business more secure from cyber criminals by following simple, easy to follow guidance, so to help you we have created and collated a suite of resources, services and tools. 

Cyber attacks on the Personal care, health care and beauty industries 
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Cyber-attacks on the biotech and pharmaceutical industry have increased by 50%.

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The UK healthcare sector faced over 700 attacks in a 11 month period.


A survey by the National Hair & Beauty Federation to its members revealed that 56% had been a victim of a cyber-attack.

Resources for the Personal care, healthcare and beauty industries

3 cyber threats impacting the biotech, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.


Discover the biggest cyber risks to your business.

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Don't short cut your cyber security



A recent survey by the National Hair & Beauty Federation revealed 56% of its members had reported a cyber-attack.


Cyber security hygiene tips for your health and social care business


The healthcare industry is 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year business, so with that comes an attractive opportunity for cyber criminals to strike.


How to handle phishing emails

Simple steps to help your staff recognise a  phishing attack when it appears and how to respond if it does.

Cyber CCTV’ on offer to all businesses in the West Midlands

Every business in the West Midlands can now access a free digital tool designed to help understand and monitor incoming threats from hackers.

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5 cyber security focus areas for health and personal care businesses


Follow the actions in these 5 areas to keep your business out of harms way.


A guide to cyber crime for SME's 


With the increased use of technology and the internet, comes a heightened risk of businesses being targeted by cyber criminals.

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